Tenor Saxophone & Alto Saxophones

The saxophone is an enchanting musical instrument and many people who first hear it's mellifluous tones are captivated by the sound of a sonorous saxophone and straight away desire to play it. But the saxophone is not an easy instrument to play. So much so it is one of the hardest instruments to master and particularly so for the young, usually a lot of commitment is needed to conquer this, the king of Instruments.
Often kids will first hear the saxophone on the Simpsons when Lisa tries to play this elusive of instruments. And so many kids start wanting to play just from seeing this program. And so begins the venture - where to purchase one what will it cost? This article focuses on these subjects plus will provide answers to them.
However, as most Moms and Dads realize, a child attention can stray so quickly, and one favorite activity can change very quickly, so why go spending several hundred dollars on a saxophone if it is going to spend a huge amount of time neglected in some closet? So with this and so many other situations with children, the answer may lie in getting a second hand or at least discount instrument to start off with and you can find these for as little as $50. Then after a few lessons you can decide the next step.

As far as finding a used or discount saxophone, the choices are plentiful. Of course you can always check out a local pawn shop where you will be able to see and play the instrument. To find the biggest selections, you can do a search either on Google or eBay (which is, after all, the world's global pawn shop) but then you are doing things remotely and have to have a little more faith in what you are buying.
At least with either of these methods, you are saving yourself a huge investment in what could be a short lived endeavor. And then you can take your time in deciding if you have a virtuoso, worthy of large investment into the finer realms of saxophones.

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