You Can Learn To Play Guitar For Free!
What I do is simple. I just go online and find a site that offers free online guitar lessons for beginners, and get all of the necessary information that way. Even if you're a total beginner, like I was, you can still learn to play guitar. They teach you how to hold guitar, how to tune it, how to use a pick, and more so much more. I have been doing it for quite some time now, and am getting pretty good at it!
At first of course it was really hard. For once, my fingers would hurt so bad I wouldn't be able to practice for longer than ten to fifteen minutes a day. And practicing the same chords over and over can get pretty boring really fast! Plus it's much harder to make yourself practice unless you have very strong self motivational skills. I slacked off for just one week and the tips of my fingers lost all of their resistance, so I almost had to start all over again. But not to worry, in just a couple of days I was able to pick it up again and was back on track in no time.
What made it easier for me to keep learning the guitar, was setting fifteen minutes aside for practice each day. Now, I know, fifteen minutes might not seem like a long time, but when your fingers are in pain it may seem like eternity. Plus you will be amazed at how much you can learn in just those few fifteen minutes! My fingertips built up calluses, which made it much easier to play the chords, I was able to switch between the chords with ease, which was almost unheard of in the beginning, and now I can even play songs!
So whether or not you think you are ready to play the guitar, there is really only one way to find out. You just have to do it! Start learning it today! Don't waste any more of your time. Go online today and start searching for online guitar lessons. If you're just starting out, then I would strongly recommend searching for guitar lessons for beginners, since they are designed to take someone through all of the basics of learning how to play guitar. The hardest part is always in the beginning, as long as you remember this and just stick through it, you will be a professional player in no time. And that's when the real fun begins! You will be the life of the party, everyone loves the guitar! Plus you will never be bored again! That in itself is worth it.