Beginner Acoustic Guitar Lessons: Training Your Ear

One important technique for beginning guitar players is the ability to train your ear. When you actively train your ear, you will be able to (over the course of time), play songs you hear instantly on your guitar. But before you are able to do this, you must take a couple of things into account.
You first should focus on interval training. Instead of learning a piece of music by heart, divide it into intervals. The trick is to learn to distinguish the intervals. If you can distinguish the intervals, it is easier for you to figure out which chords are used in a particular song.
The second step in training your ear should be the focus on hearing Major vs. Minor. Pick out the root of the chord that is being played and tune out the melody. Now you should be able to determine what is being played as backing chords. After that try to pick out the extension.

Figure out what key a song is in. If there are no key changes, it is actually very easy to find out what key a song is in. You can try to find 2 majors that are a whole step apart. Count backwards from the IV and you will be able to determine what key you are in. This makes picking out the minors and other chords more easy.
When taking beginner acoustic guitar lessons, make sure that you keep in mind that you want to active train your ear. This will give you a great advantage when you master the basics of the guitar and will help you to play songs by hearing in the future.
Maybe you think: I want to learn the guitar, but I am only a beginner and this stuff sounds to hard for you at the moment? Then I can recommend to take some online guitar lessons to make sure your guitar playing fundamentals are in place.
Good luck with practicing and see you next article!

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